Sun. May 5th, 2024

Pakistani Feminists take the Streets on Women’s Day

International women’s day was celebrated all across the globe this week. Feminists including men and women raised their voices, bringing issues into the public eye, and raising awareness about the issues faced by women all around the world in multiple forms. Pakistani Feminists have been extremely active and aware of the lack of identity and the lack of rights for women.

A huge number of women belonging from all socioeconomic backgrounds, along with men who identify themselves as feminists, took to the streets on women’s day and demanded the rights of women.

The injustice is prevalent across Pakistan highlighted by a lack of education, basic health rights, employment opportunities for women. And perhaps the most fundamental and important of all – a lack of security for all those women who are present in the Pakistani society.

The Aurat march in Pakistan brought a lot of attention to the whole topic. The media shared the impactful speeches which were made at the marches in major cities such as Islamabad, Karachi, and Lahore. This included the sharing of the posters made by individuals themselves.

Many prominent celebrities were a part of the women’s day march and raised their voice. Each year the march causes a bustle in society and conversation regarding this topic is initiated too.

Changes must be made. However, improvement can only come for the women once every individual, regardless of their gender, realizes the importance of this conversation.

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