Pakistan is First Muslim Country to Ban Dowry Legally

There is a custom in Muslim countries in which the parents of the bride pay a lot of wealth and money to the family of the groom. This custom is according to Islam and Sunnah, but some people have taken advantage of this custom for financial gain. But now, Pakistan has become the first Muslim country to ban dowry legally.

The parents of the man often demand an excessive amount of money and wealth from the bride’s parents. This has caused the ratio of married women in Pakistan to fall because many parents cannot afford millions to give their daughters a dowry.
The Ministry of religious affairs made this decision to prevent the groom’s side from asking for expensive gifts, furniture, cars, and sometimes property. The bill also restricted the parents from giving their daughter gifts worth more than 10,000 pkr.
Additionally, the bill will regulate the marriage functions and events. Part of this regulation is a statement that the food menu of the functions will be limited.
Any violation of this new law may result in a Rs. 200,000 fine, imprisonment or a combination of both. So, the fulfillment of this law is necessary from now on.
The goal of this bill is to regulate the extravagance of the wedding functions. The dowry ban in Pakistan should help put to focus back on the marriage and the couple.
In many other countries like America and Europe, people do fancy wedding functions that, in the end, are just a waste of money. Money that the couple could instead use for their future.
Pakistan is the first Muslim country undertaking a dowry ban in a legal action.
The credit goes to Pakistani women who fought for their rights, and made this an example for all the women of the world. This, perhaps, is one of the best examples of women empowerment in the world.